
Dear UAL Friends, Customers and Colleagues, good day to you.

Dear UAL Friends, Customers and Colleagues, good day to you.

Proud and happy to announce that Ruy Medeiros has joined UAL Team in Brazil and will take care of the post fixing activities plus local Operations and related issues.

Ruy is a an experienced professional with decades of experience in other owners, that I rather dont say much, but all small and not that important&..

Welcome Ruy, lets make our ships even faster, fill them up and serve our customers/market.

For the time being, the team is complete with Marilia on the commercial side, Ruy on the Operations and Bruno as our Port Captain.

Thank you All for the usual support and 2025 is already at the corner so, wait for us and more news to come.

2024 has been a great and successful year and 2025 will be even better.

All the best in the New Year and Merry Christmas to all of you, your families, and friends.

Brgds to All

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