
UK logistics employees ‘essential’ in latest lockdown

Those working ‘to keep the freight transport modes operating during the COVID-19 response and EU transition’ considered ‘critical’, says Department For Transport. The UK’s Department for Transport  (DfT) has confirmed that workers in the logistics sector are considered “essential” under the latest national lockdown regulations which took effect yesterday and accordingly will be allowed to travel for work.

In addition, the children of logistics employees will be permitted to attend school along with those of other key workers.

In a letter to trade bodies, which included the Road Haulage Association, Logistics UK, the UK Warehousing Association (UKWA),  the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)  and the Cold Chain Federation,  David Buttery, the DfT’s co-director, Road Safety, Standards and Services, said:

“I am writing to confirm that the Department for Transport considers it essential that the work of the logistics sector should continue to the greatest extent possible through the COVID-19 crisis.

“As is clear in the latest guidance, those who work to keep the freight transport modes operating during the coronavirus (COVID-19) response and EU transition, including those working on transport systems through which supply chains pass, are considered critical workers.”

He continued: “This, therefore, includes haulage drivers, managers, warehouse staff and all other logistics professions who we need to continue to go about their business to keep supply chains moving.  As such, school age children of employees engaged in these activities should be eligible to continue attending school in line with government policy.”

Buttery added: “Government policy is clear that this applies to all supply chains and not only those for food and medical supplies. The current regulations allows travel to work and travel associated with work (including for instance necessary washing of vehicles or supply of spare parts).  At all times workers should, however, follow Public Health England guidance on social distancing and companies should maintain Covid-secure working practices.”

Peter Ward, CEO  of the UKWA, which was behind the call to acknowledge logistics workers as ‘essential ‘ in the deepening COVID crisis, commented: “We are pleased that government has again recognised the important role businesses in our sector are playing in keeping the country going during national lockdown. UKWA will continue to provide support for our members and ensure that the voice of the wider logistics industry is heard and heeded.”



Source: LLoyd’s

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