
Turkish Cargo’s dual-terminals operating ‘seamlessly’

Carrier says its on-time performance at Istanbul has even improved this year, despite shuttling freight between new airport and Ataturk.

Turkish Cargo’s claims that its ‘dual-terminal’ system using two airports in Istanbul for its main international cargo operations has been operating “seamlessly”, with no negative impact on its business from having to shuttle freight between the new Istanbul Airport, where its passenger flights are now based, and the old Ataturk Airport, where it freighter operations continue to be based for the time being.

In fact, the carrier said its on-time performance at Istanbul had even improved this year, despite the logistics challenge presented by the ‘dual-terminal’ system, noting: “Turkish Cargo attained a better ranking with respect to ‘on-time performance’, compared to 2018”.

The airline also achieved a growth rate of 11.6%, year on year, in sold cargo tonnage, during the first quarter of the year, and maintained its 7th rank on the WorldACD list , with global air cargo as a whole shrinking 3.1% percent across the industry during the first quarter, Turkish Cargo said.

When complete, Turkish Cargo’s new facilities at the new Istanbul Airport will have a capacity to handle 4 million tonnes of cargo annually, with the cargo terminal set to have an indoor area of 300,000 sqm upon completion of all phases.


Source: Lloyd’s

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