
PIL opens new centre for maritime efficiency to cut carbon footprint

Singapore-based shipping company Pacific International Lines (PIL) has opened a new Centre for Maritime Efficiency (CME) to enhance its operational efficiency as part of the commitment to lowering its carbon footprint.

According to PIL, the key role of the new centre is to enable the company to grow its competencies in managing ship and fleet energy-efficiency performance.

A team of seven members with extensive seafaring experience is operating the CME leveraging on digitalisation to minimise energy usage by PIL’s fleet through traffic optimisation and route analysis.

The CME will be equipped with a state-of-the-art digital system that houses all relevant operational data and applications in a single platform to facilitate comprehensive, centralised and efficient coordination, PIL said.

With the new centre, the shipping company expects to reduce greenhouse (GHG) emissions generated from its operation, enhance fleet safety and security, maximise cost-effectiveness and provide more training berths for its seafarers.

Commenting on this initiative, Lars Kastrup, CEO of PIL, said: “The rolling out of this new Centre for Maritime Efficiency is timely as we forge ahead to become a more efficient shipping line committed to reducing our carbon footprint.

“This is also aligned with our aim to better leverage technology and digitalisation in our operations for enhanced operational effectiveness. At the end of the day, we aim to deliver quality service and good connectivity to our customers, who are increasingly expecting container shipping services to be nimble and flexible to meet their evolving needs.”

At the same time, PIL also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Singapore Polytechnic’s Centre of Excellence in Maritime Safety (CEMS) to collaborate on a “Training with Technology” project.

This project aims to leverage the latest technologies to enhance the competency of seafarers in safe navigation through technical and soft skills training.

The two initiatives are part of the shipping company’s year-round celebrations to mark its 55th anniversary.

Just recently, PIL joined the World Shipping Council (WSC), a US-based trade association representing the international liner shipping industry, to join the work for a safe, secure and sustainable industry.

In order to progress the decarbonisation and other sustainability agendas, earlier this month, the company placed an order for four 8,000 TEU liquefied natural gas (LNG) dual-fuel container vessels, following the initial order encompassing four 14,000 TEU LNG dual-fuel vessels announced in March this year.


Source: World Maritime News


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