Portocel movimenta 6,65 milhões de toneladas em 2023 e alcança desempenho histórico

Terminal capixaba registrou a maior movimentação de cargas ao longo dos 45 anos; segundo o comunicado, o Ebitda do período registrou aumento de 30% frente a 2022. O Portocel movimentou 6,65 milhões de toneladas de cargas em 2023, um incremento de 6% em relação ao ano anterior — em 2022, foram movimentadas 6,26 milhões de toneladas. Segundo o terminal, foi ...

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Fugro secures Dutch geophysical survey contract

Fugro has been awarded the geophysical survey contract for the development of the Doordewind offshore wind zone in the Netherlands. Fieldwork is planned to commence in April 2024 and will be conducted with Fugro’s geophysical vessel Fugro Pioneer. Onboard are customized digital streamers and processing technology that enable 2D ultra-ultra-high resolution (UUHR) surveys. Using proprietary software and decimetre accuracy positioning ...

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Eastern Pacific Shipping completes 150th LNG bunkering

Singapore-based ship management company Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) has completed its 150th liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering operation. The bunkering operation involving a 366-meter-long boxship took place at Yangshan, Shanghai, EPS said on February 5, 2024. The 15,000 TEU dual fuel containership CMA CGM Bali, managed by EPS, received 9,498 cbm of LNG from bunker vessel Hai Gang Wei Lai, ...

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Statkraft inaugurou na Bahia o complexo ventos de Santa Eugênia, maior projeto do Grupo fora da Europa

Um novo marco para as operações da norueguesa Statkraft no Brasil. A empresa inaugurou na Bahia, o Complexo Eólico Ventos de Santa Eugênia, maior empreendimento do grupo fora da Europa. A cerimônia contou com a participação do CEO Global do Grupo, Christian Rynning-Tønnesen, a vice-presidente executiva Internacional, Ingeborg Dårflot, além de Fernando de Lapuerta, CEO e diretor-presidente da Statkraft Brasil, e todos ...

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India rolls out program to support green hydrogen ship retrofits

India’s government has released a new scheme that aims to support retrofitting existing vessels to run on green hydrogen. The scheme will also support the development of bunkering and refueling facilities in ports for green hydrogen-based fuels. The scheme guidelines, titled Scheme Guidelines for implementation of Pilot projects for use of Green Hydrogen in the Shipping Sector under the National ...

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International offshore rig count activity gets a boost in January

Baker Hughes’ rig count report shows that more than one rig joined the working international offshore fleet in January 2024, however, the number of units at work last month still experienced a slight decrease compared to the previous year. The total number of international rigs was on the rise, climbing to 965 from 955 units in December 2023. After no change in ...

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K Line pens charter deal for 3rd LCO2 carrier

Japanese shipping heavyweight Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) has signed bare boat charter and time charter contracts with Northern Lights JV DA for the management of the third CO2 ship. K Line has already signed contracts for managing the first two 7,500 m3 liquefied CO2 ships scheduled for delivery later this year. In total, Northern Lights has four CO2 ships ...

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Etanol/Cepea: vendas de hidratado são as maiores desde out/20

Dados do Cepea mostram que o volume de etanol hidratado vendido pelas usinas do estado de São Paulo em janeiro cresceu 35% em relação ao mês anterior, superando em quase três vezes o do mesmo período do ano passado. Nesse cenário, as vendas do primeiro mês de 2024 não apenas consolidaram-se como recorde da safra 2023/24, como também foram as maiores desde outubro/20. ...

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Shearwater GeoServices goes to India

India’s government-owned energy giant Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has appointed Norway’s Shearwater GeoServices to deliver an ocean bottom node (OBN) survey off the coast of India. According to Shearwater, the venture will showcase its Pearl node technology aboard the SW Tasman, a vessel reimagined for peak efficiency in executing advanced seismic source and dual ROV operations. The activities are expected ...

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SNA indaga Absa sobre possível descumprimento da cláusula de Diferencial Cargueiro do ACT

O Sindicato Nacional dos Aeronautas (SNA) encaminhou ofício à ABSA Aerolinhas Brasileiras S.A. (Latam Cargo Brasil) solicitando esclarecimentos sobre possível descumprimento da cláusula de Diferencial Cargueiro do Acordo Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho firmado entre sindicato e empresa e aprovado pelos aeronautas. De acordo com relatos, a empresa não estaria cumprindo sobretudo os itens que se referem à alteração de programações, ...

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