
Navig8 Product 2020 Takes Delivery of New Scrubber-Fitted MR

Shipping company Navig8 Product 2020 has taken delivery of a new scrubber-fitted MR tanker, the Navig8 Gauntlet.

TankerIllustration; Source: PxHere under CC0 Creative Commons license

The 49,000 dwt vessel was delivered from Japan’s New Times Shipbuilding and is the sixth unit in a series of eight such scrubber-fitted tankers in the company’s newbuilding program.

Navig8 Product 2020 said that the 52,500 cbm Navig8 Gauntlet will be entered into and operated in Navig8 Group’s Chronos8 commercial pool.

The fifth ship in the company’s newbuilding program, the Navig8 Goal, was handed over from New Times Shipbuilding in August.

With the latest additions, the company’s 44,000-54,000 dwt chemical tanker pool now counts a total of fourteen vessels.


Source: World Maritime News

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