
MOL Chemical Tankers to Buy All Shares of Nordic Tankers from Triton

Singapore-based MOL Chemical Tankers has reached an agreement with Triton to buy 100% of shares in Danish chemical tanker company Nordic Tankers.

TankerIllustration. Image Courtesy: Pexels under CC0 Creative Commons license


Triton, the current sole shareholder of the company, would sell and deliver Nordic Tankers’ shares together with all rights attached to them on and with effect from the closing date, which is expected at the beginning of February, 2019.

Nordic Tankers would subsequently be renamed to MOL Nordic Tankers A/S (MOLNT).

The move would create a company with a fleet of 75 stainless-steel deep-sea chemical tankers. MOLCT currently operates 56 chemical tankers ranging between 19,000 dwt and 37,000 dwt, while Nordic Tankers operates 19 tankers mainly in the Trans-Atlantic and Latin America trades.

“We are confident enough that the collaboration between MOLCT and NT should provide better and more efficient services to all existing customers of them,” Tsuneo Watanabe, Managing Director of MOL Chemical Tankers, said.


Source: World Maritime News

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