
INPEX to Monitor Performance on Its Three LNG Carriers

Japan’s INPEX Corporation has hired maritime solutions provider NAPA to install its monitoring and follow-up of ship operations software on three of the company’s LNG carriers.

Pacific BreezeImage Courtesy: INPEX


Under the contract, two LNG carriers built to service the INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG Project and one LNG carrier servicing the Prelude LNG Project would receive ClassNK-NAPA GREEN, to provide continuous real-time data to monitor and improve safety and performance.

The vessels in question are among the world’s largest MOSS-type LNG carriers, namely, the Oceanic Breeze, Pacific Breeze, and Symphonic Breeze.

“The propulsion system of an LNG carrier is far more complex than that of any other vessel type, which is why a fundamental understanding of elements including the cargo containment and management systems, as well as the ultra steam turbine is critical to efficiency,” Akihiko Itoh, Manager of Transportation group, LNG Trading Unit at INPEX, said.

“ClassNK-NAPA GREEN will effectively give us live sea trial results throughout the vessels’ working lives. This will help us to realise substantial operational savings across our entire fleet through timely evaluation of, and reaction to ship performance,” Itoh added.


Source: World Maritime News

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