Cargo mobilized by the Bio Bio ports grows 1.6% in November 2020
Through the ports of the Bio Bio Region , 2,753,504 tons of cargo were mobilized in November 2020, registering an increase of 1.6% in twelve months, according to what was reported by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) .
This result was the consequence of the greater movement of the services Disembarked from abroad, Cabotage and Transits. Meanwhile, cargo shipped abroad and re-stowage and transshipment, registered a decline compared to November 2019.
The greatest positive impact was observed in the Disembarked from abroad service, registering an increase of 5.8% compared to the same month of the previous year, when 1,181,748 tons were moved in November 2020, and it was explained by the greater loose cargo or general (79.4%), solid bulk (16.0%) and in containers (10.0%).
The cargo handled by Cabotage increased 0.9%, with 421,687 tons in the month of analysis, explained by the higher cargo shipped (52.8%).
Meanwhile, the cargo for Transits to and from other countries rose 1.9% in twelve months, moving 23,281 tons in November 2020. The increase was explained by the higher cargo landed (1.5%) and shipped (5.5 %).
The embarked abroad service registered 1,093,559 tons in November 2020, showing a decrease of 1.9% in twelve months, influenced by the lower loose or general cargo (-66.8%).
While the Re-stowage and transshipment service experienced a year-on-year decrease of 13.5%, totaling 33,230 tons in the reference month, as a consequence of the lower activity of Re-stowage (-12.9%) and transshipments (- 19.7%).
By type of service, cargo Unloaded from abroad had the highest participation with 42.9%, followed by Embarked abroad (39.7%) and Cabotage (15.3%). Likewise, Re-stowage and transshipment and Transit, contributed together with 2.0% of the total cargo handled by the ports of the Biobío Region.
Containers handled in the region totaled 112,285 TEUS, showing an increase of 11.9% in twelve months, explained by the greater movement of 40-foot containers.
Those of 40 feet represented 88.7% of the total of containers mobilized in the region, equivalent to 52,774 units, registering an increase of 15.1%. On the other hand, those of 20 feet reached 6,737 units, registering a drop of 22.7% in twelve months and contributing 11.3% of the total containers.
In the accumulated to November 2020, 28,315,195 tons of cargo were moved through the ports of the Bio Bio region, experiencing a contraction of 8.0% in relation to the same period of the previous year, affected by the services Landing from abroad (-10.0%), Embarked abroad (-5.5%), Cabotage (-8.5%), Re-stowage and Transshipment (-23.4%), and Transit (-16.0%) .
Source: Portal Portuário