BW LPG Doubles Its Commitment to LPG as Fuel
Since then, BW LPG, together with Class (DNV GL), Wärtsilä Gas Solutions and MAN ES, has subjected the prototype to rigorous tests, adding that the engines’ performance exceeded expectations.
“When retrofitting is complete, BW LPG will reap benefits across many fronts such as fuel cost and voyage efficiencies. Most importantly, this represents a significant step forward in our efforts at reducing air emissions,” the company explained.
The retrofitting of the first four LPG dual-fuel engines into four very large gas carriers (VLGCs) is taking place as planned this year.
“As the world’s largest owner and operator of VLGCs, BW LPG leverages on our scale and deep expertise in maritime shipping to invest in R&D and implement pioneering technology onboard that will push our industry towards decarbonization – technology that can be implemented on at least 50 percent of current global VLGC fleet without the need for dedicated newbuilding orders,” Anders Onarheim, BW LPG CEO, commented.
“This is our commitment to sustainable development, which we pursue while keeping our focus on safe and reliable operations, so that we can continue to provide industry-leading customer service and generate better returns for our shareholders.”
Source: World Maritime News