
Bentago Express docks at the Agaete dock six days after running aground

The Bentago Express, by Fred. Olsen Express, arrived at the Agaete dock, in Spain, six days after having run aground.

Coming from Santa Cruz de Tenerife , the ship was dragged last Thursday night, January 7, down Las Merinas near the Agaete dock when a sudden gust of wind dragged the ship during the docking maneuver.

Right from the start, Fred. Olsen Express made available to the rescue services and the competent authorities all the means at their disposal to guarantee the integrity of the people on board and thus achieve a safe disembarkation.

Following the recommendation of the authorities and experts in maritime rescue, the 59 passengers and crew were released on the morning of January 8 , without having to regret any consequences for the health of those affected.

“Fred. Olsen Express regrets the wait that passengers were subjected to during their disembarkation and emphasizes that the safety of the passage should be prioritized over any other objective, analyzing adverse weather conditions to find the ideal moment for a successful rescue “, they indicated from the company.

After the completion of the disembarkation of the passengers, the rescue work of the ship began. “After five days of unsuccessful attempts and thanks to close collaboration with actors and authorities, they have resulted in the final docking of the ship in the Port of Agaete at 01:24 hours today -Wednesday-, thanks to the flotation work and to the favorable conditions of the high tide ”, said Fred. Olsen through a statement.

“After having secured the ship to the dock, moored on the starboard side, the underwater evaluations of the hull began, focusing on the affected port skid. Depending on the results of this inspection, the appropriate repairs will be made to guarantee safety when disembarking the vehicles. The company staff will contact the passengers to coordinate the collection of these items and appreciates their understanding in these delicate moments “, they added from the company.

Fred. Olsen Express “appreciates the close collaboration and willingness shown by all authorities, in particular, Maritime Rescue, State Ports and Canary Islands Ports, the Spanish Navy, the Port Authority, the Agaete City Council, the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and the Government de Canarias ”, they concluded from the company.




Source: Portal Portuário

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